понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

consumer reports mag

Ms. Brazile is a frequent political commentator on CNN and ABC. She was also the first African American to direct a major presidential campaign.� Here she speaks with great passion about how insulting it is for people to criticize Obama's background and equate his educational accomplishments as somehow being an indicator of his being uppity.� This struck a chord with me.

I always wear my USC class ring and I can't tell you the number of times people have asked me if I played for USC's football team.� Granted, I am a big guy but it never occurs to them that I could have possibly only gone to USC for educational reasons.� I always make a point by letting these curious folks know that not only did I not play football,� but I went to USC to obtain a Master's degree.

For many of them, my response goes right over their head. The look on their face shows an expression that indicates they did not even comprehend that I said anything other than a confirmation that I played football.� The sad part is that they aren't approaching me with the intent to insult or snub me. Usually they are approaching me because they are hoping to learn that I was somehow associated with one of the historical Trojans football teams that they loved. They have been conditioned to believe that a large black man wearing USC attire has to be an athlete.

I digress........ Here is the clip of my new hero, Donna Brazile.

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